Editing csproj files within Visual Studio
I never knew this was possible, but I stumbled on it the other day. It is pretty simple. Unload the project. Edit the project (option only available when unloaded). Done. »
I never knew this was possible, but I stumbled on it the other day. It is pretty simple. Unload the project. Edit the project (option only available when unloaded). Done. »
There are a few different ways to use Powershell from the legacy cmd shell. The most common way is to call it like the following. > powershell write-host "hello world" As you can see, the powershell.exe is called with Powershell commands as the parameters. I started noticing some odd behavior though. I have the following script, TestScript.ps1. It has code as follows: param ( $str ) write-host $str Very simple right. »
[TestFixture] public class IHateNunit { [Test] public void A_list_works() { IList strs = new List() { “asdf” }; //Double Pass Assert.That(strs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(strs, Has.Count(1)); } [Test] public void An_array_doesnt() { IList<string> strs = new string[] { "asdf" }; //Pass Assert.That(strs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); //#FAIL Assert.That(strs, Has.Count(1)); } } »
Amazon just recommended Hadoop: The Definitive Guide to me. My coworker Stu and his use of Hadoop is featured as a case study in the book. How does Amazon know me this well? »
I preface this by saying I believe I know very little about management. I am a software developer who happens to also manage, not the other way around. Recently, I have been on a Don’t pass-the-buck kick. What do I mean by this? Imagine the following scenario. Chris the CEO decided that manager Max's team needed to stop working on widget X and start working on widget Y because it has more business value. »
If you liked my post on Is quality really a business decision, check out Uncle Bob’s recent post . »
A couple weekends ago, I attended Richmond Code Camp and had a great time. This was different than the last code camp I went to, in the fact that I spent most of the day presenting, not watching others. I have coded in front of co-workers before. I have given presentations to strangers before. But I had never coded in front of strangers before. There were a lot of things I learned. »
I just listened to the Hanselminutes podcast on Visiting Fog Creek Software. I know it is like 6 months after it was published, but it is a pretty phenomenal podcast. Highly recommend it if you have 30 minutes or so to spare. If you still have applications written in VBScript, you HAVE to listen (Hint: Joel is running VBScript on .NET…). Also, you get to hear tips on how to become famous (at least nerdly famous like Joel and Scott). »
I recently couldn’t get wireless to find any networks on my work laptop. I contacted our IT Fly Guys and they promptly showed me the wireless switch on the side of the laptop, which I have had for over a year. Needless to say, most of the company promptly received the following email… Hey team, Your neighborhood RTS department would like to make a Public Service Announcement. There seems to be a Wireless Switch Fairy floating around the office, turning off everyone's wireless switch on their laptop. »
A couple weeks ago, I posted my response to Joel’s Duct Tape programmer article. In that post, I linked and quoted an article by Casey Charlton which said that quality was a business decision. I started thinking a lot about that statement, and asking myself the question, is quality really a business decision? If you are a developer, has the business ever asked you to create a 50% quality product? Has the business mandated that functionality not work 10% of the time? »