Powershell script to Register Visual Studio Schemas

I always have to Google how to add an XML schema to Visual Studio because I forget the directory (even though it is super easy). Never again will I forget.

function register-vsschemas()
        $schema_folders = gci $env:ProgramFiles -Filter "Microsoft Visual Studio*" | 
                            gci -Filter "Xml" | 
                            gci -Filter "Schemas"

        if(!$_ -or !(Test-Path $_))
            Write-Error "File '$_' not found"
        if((gi $_).Extension -ine ".xsd")
            Write-Warning "File $_ does not end in an .xsd extension"

        foreach($folder in $schema_folders){
            #It is very interesting I had to use .FullName...
            cp $_ $folder.FullName -Verbose

Call it as follows:

gi .\lib\NHibernate\*.xsd | register-vsschemas