Scheduled Tasks in Powershell, Alpha

Scheduled tasks don’t have any good way to be edited in Powershell, at least from what I have seen. The other day I set out to write some scripts to help me out. This isn’t really cleaned up or final (aka I haven’t figured out the best error checking yet and it could use a decent refactoring), but I figured I would go ahead and throw them up here to get some feedback.

function get-scheduledtask($server=$env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $tempFile = $env:TEMP + "\scheduledtaskstemp.csv"
    schtasks /query /S $server /FO csv /V | where { $_.length -gt 0 } | Set-Content $tempFile
    Import-Csv $tempFile
    Remove-Item $tempFile

function remove-scheduledtask($taskname, $server=$env:COMPUTERNAME, [switch]$verbose, [switch]$whatif=$variable:whatifpreference)
    if(-not $taskname) { throw "Must provide taskname" }
    $command = "schtasks /DELETE /TN '$taskName'"
    if($server) { $command += " /S '$server' " }

    if($verbose -or $whatif) { $command }
    if(-not $whatif) { Invoke-Expression $command }

function run-scheduledtask($taskname, $server=$env:COMPUTERNAME, [switch]$verbose, [switch]$whatif=$variable:whatifpreference){
    if(-not $taskname) { throw "Must provide taskname" }
    $command = "schtasks /RUN /TN '$taskname'"

    if($server) { $command += " /S '$server' " }

    if($verbose -or $whatif) { $command }
    if(-not $whatif) { Invoke-Expression $command }

function add-scheduledtask {
        [string] $user, 
        [string] $password, 
        [string] $schedule,
        [string] $runUser,
        [string] $runPassword,
        [switch]$whatif = $variable:whatifpreference

    if(-not $taskName) { throw "Must Provide a taskName" }
    if(-not $taskRun) { throw "Must provide a taskRun" }
    if(-not $schedule) { throw "Must provide a schedule" }
    if(-not $runPassword) { throw "Must provide a runPassword" }
    if(-not $runUser) { throw "Must provide a runUser"}

    $command = "schtasks /CREATE /TN '$taskname' /TR '$taskRun' /SC '$schedule' /RU '$runUser' /RP '$runPassword' "

            if($_[0]) { $command += " /$($_[1]) '$($_[0])' " }

    if($verbose -or $whatif) { $command }
    if(-not $whatif) { Invoke-Expression $command }