First Post

Well, like so many others around me, I have decided to start a blog for a few reasons. First, I feel left out especially after I heard my friend Sola, who is quite computer illiterate, had a blog. Second, I have a problem with forgetting things, especially work/programming related. With a blog, I can easily document my thoughts and search through them once my brain has long forgotten. Lastly, I hope that a few people may enjoy reading my rants, thoughts, and anything else I decide to write about.

In this blog, some of the topics I hope to write about will relate to:

Since the last time I took an English class was 2001, I will try not to bore anyone with long posts about topics that are meaningless to anyone but me. That is why any input as to what you, the reader, would like to hear me write about is greatly appreciated.

So, without making you wait any longer, here is the end of my first post.